Gigabyte GeForce RTX 4070 WINDFORCE OC 12G

Gigabyte GeForce RTX 4070 WINDFORCE OC 12G kombinuje výkon NVIDIA Ada Lovelace architektúry, 12GB GDDR6X pamäte a pokročilé WINDFORCE chladenie. Ideálna voľba pre hráčov aj tvorcov.

This marker is Chrome Shitiness Mitigation mechanism for Ultrawidify. It turns out that as of 2025-01, Chrome does not correctly respect allowTransparency property on certain iframes, and will force white or black background across the entire element. It is unclear what’s causing the issue — so far, it seems to appear randomly.
This marker is Chrome Shitiness Mitigation mechanism for Ultrawidify. It turns out that as of 2025-01, Chrome does not correctly respect allowTransparency property on certain iframes, and will force white or black background across the entire element. It is unclear what’s causing the issue — so far, it seems to appear randomly.
This marker is Chrome Shitiness Mitigation mechanism for Ultrawidify. It turns out that as of 2025-01, Chrome does not correctly respect allowTransparency property on certain iframes, and will force white or black background across the entire element. It is unclear what’s causing the issue — so far, it seems to appear randomly.
This marker is Chrome Shitiness Mitigation mechanism for Ultrawidify. It turns out that as of 2025-01, Chrome does not correctly respect allowTransparency property on certain iframes, and will force white or black background across the entire element. It is unclear what’s causing the issue — so far, it seems to appear randomly.
This marker is Chrome Shitiness Mitigation mechanism for Ultrawidify. It turns out that as of 2025-01, Chrome does not correctly respect allowTransparency property on certain iframes, and will force white or black background across the entire element. It is unclear what’s causing the issue — so far, it seems to appear randomly.
This marker is Chrome Shitiness Mitigation mechanism for Ultrawidify. It turns out that as of 2025-01, Chrome does not correctly respect allowTransparency property on certain iframes, and will force white or black background across the entire element. It is unclear what’s causing the issue — so far, it seems to appear randomly.
This marker is Chrome Shitiness Mitigation mechanism for Ultrawidify. It turns out that as of 2025-01, Chrome does not correctly respect allowTransparency property on certain iframes, and will force white or black background across the entire element. It is unclear what’s causing the issue — so far, it seems to appear randomly.
This marker is Chrome Shitiness Mitigation mechanism for Ultrawidify. It turns out that as of 2025-01, Chrome does not correctly respect allowTransparency property on certain iframes, and will force white or black background across the entire element. It is unclear what’s causing the issue — so far, it seems to appear randomly.

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Gigabyte GeForce RTX 4070 WINDFORCE OC 12G: Výkon pre hráčov aj tvorcov

Gigabyte GeForce RTX 4070 WINDFORCE OC 12G je vybavená najnovšou architektúrou NVIDIA Ada Lovelace, ktorá prináša revolučný výkon pre hry aj kreatívne aplikácie. S 12GB GDDR6X pamäte, jadrom s taktom až 2490 MHz a inovatívnym systémom chladenia WINDFORCE je táto grafická karta ideálna pre náročné zostavy.

Aktuálna cena


Kľúčové vlastnosti Gigabyte GeForce RTX 4070 WINDFORCE OC 12G

  • NVIDIA Ada Lovelace Architektúra: Zaručuje vysokú efektivitu a výkon s najnovšími technológiami.
  • 12GB GDDR6X Pamäte: Rýchlejšie spracovanie dát pre hry aj profesionálne úlohy.
  • 4. generácia Tensor Cores: Až 4-násobný výkon s DLSS 3 pre realistickejšie vizuály.
  • 3. generácia RT Cores: Hyperrealistické osvetlenie a tiene s Ray Tracing technológiou.
  • WINDFORCE Chladiaci systém: Trojité ventilátory s alternujúcim otáčaním pre efektívne chladenie.

Revolučný systém chladenia WINDFORCE

Gigabyte GeForce RTX 4070 WINDFORCE OC 12G využíva WINDFORCE chladiaci systém, ktorý kombinuje tri 80mm unikátne lopatkové ventilátory, grafénové nano mazivo, a aktívne 3D ventilátory. Heatpipes z čistého medi sa priamo dotýkajú GPU a VRAM, čím zabezpečujú rovnomerné a efektívne odvádzanie tepla.

Kvalitná konštrukcia a odolnosť

Grafická karta je vybavená ochranným kovovým zadným plátom, ktorý chráni komponenty pred mechanickým poškodením a zvyšuje jej pevnosť. Certifikácia Ultra Durable zaručuje dlhšiu životnosť vďaka kvalitným MOSFETom, nižšiemu ESR a 2oz medi v PCB. Navyše, plne automatizovaný výrobný proces eliminuje ostré hrany na PCB, čím znižuje riziko poškodenia počas montáže.

Technológie pre hráčov a tvorcov

Táto karta podporuje technológie ako Ray Tracing, NVIDIA Reflex a NVIDIA Studio, ktoré ponúkajú AI-akceleráciu a nízku latenciu pre plynulé hranie a produktívne kreatívne
aplikácie. NVIDIA DLSS 3 umožňuje špičkový vizuálny zážitok a vyšší počet FPS.

Technické špecifikácie

  • Boost Clock: Až 2490 MHz
  • Pamäť: 12GB GDDR6X, 192-bit
  • Tensor Cores: 4. generácia
  • Ray Tracing Cores: 3. generácia
  • Výstupy: 3x DisplayPort, 1x HDMI
  • Spotreba: 200W
  • Odporúčaný zdroj: Min. 650W

Pre viac informácií o Gigabyte GeForce RTX 4070 WINDFORCE OC 12G navštívte oficiálnu stránku produktu: Gigabyte GeForce RTX 4070 WINDFORCE OC 12G.

This marker is Chrome Shitiness Mitigation mechanism for Ultrawidify. It turns out that as of 2025-01, Chrome does not correctly respect allowTransparency property on certain iframes, and will force white or black background across the entire element. It is unclear what’s causing the issue — so far, it seems to appear randomly.
This marker is Chrome Shitiness Mitigation mechanism for Ultrawidify. It turns out that as of 2025-01, Chrome does not correctly respect allowTransparency property on certain iframes, and will force white or black background across the entire element. It is unclear what’s causing the issue — so far, it seems to appear randomly.
This marker is Chrome Shitiness Mitigation mechanism for Ultrawidify. It turns out that as of 2025-01, Chrome does not correctly respect allowTransparency property on certain iframes, and will force white or black background across the entire element. It is unclear what’s causing the issue — so far, it seems to appear randomly.
This marker is Chrome Shitiness Mitigation mechanism for Ultrawidify. It turns out that as of 2025-01, Chrome does not correctly respect allowTransparency property on certain iframes, and will force white or black background across the entire element. It is unclear what’s causing the issue — so far, it seems to appear randomly.
This marker is Chrome Shitiness Mitigation mechanism for Ultrawidify. It turns out that as of 2025-01, Chrome does not correctly respect allowTransparency property on certain iframes, and will force white or black background across the entire element. It is unclear what’s causing the issue — so far, it seems to appear randomly.
This marker is Chrome Shitiness Mitigation mechanism for Ultrawidify. It turns out that as of 2025-01, Chrome does not correctly respect allowTransparency property on certain iframes, and will force white or black background across the entire element. It is unclear what’s causing the issue — so far, it seems to appear randomly.
This marker is Chrome Shitiness Mitigation mechanism for Ultrawidify. It turns out that as of 2025-01, Chrome does not correctly respect allowTransparency property on certain iframes, and will force white or black background across the entire element. It is unclear what’s causing the issue — so far, it seems to appear randomly.
This marker is Chrome Shitiness Mitigation mechanism for Ultrawidify. It turns out that as of 2025-01, Chrome does not correctly respect allowTransparency property on certain iframes, and will force white or black background across the entire element. It is unclear what’s causing the issue — so far, it seems to appear randomly.


Výrobca čipu



GeForce RTX 4070

Modelová rada

RTX 4000 Series



Účel použitia

Gaming, Rendering

Cenová kategória

Mid range GPU



Počet ventilátorov


Veľkosť pamäte


Typ pamäte


Základná frekvencia

2475 MHz

Boost frekvencia

2490 MHz

Frekvencia VRAM

21 Gbps

Šírka pamäťovej zbernice


CUDA jednotky


Maximálne rozlíšenie


PCIe verzia

PCI-E 4.0

Napájacie konektory

8 pin*1


261 x 126 x 50mm



Výstupné porty

3x DisplayPort 1.4a, 1x HDMI 2.1a


CUDA, DirectX 12 Ultimate, OpenGL 4.6, Ray Tracing

Podpora VR


Podpora SLI/CrossFire


RGB osvetlenie


Kód výrobcu

Not specified

Odporúčaný PSU