HP QUADRO NVIDIA RTX A4000 16GB GDDR6 4DP: Profesionálna grafická karta s 16 GB GDDR6 ECC pamäťou, 6144 CUDA jadrami a podporou raytracingu. Ideálna pre dizajnérov, inžinierov a tvorcov obsahu.

This marker is Chrome Shitiness Mitigation mechanism for Ultrawidify. It turns out that as of 2025-01, Chrome does not correctly respect allowTransparency property on certain iframes, and will force white or black background across the entire element. It is unclear what’s causing the issue — so far, it seems to appear randomly.
This marker is Chrome Shitiness Mitigation mechanism for Ultrawidify. It turns out that as of 2025-01, Chrome does not correctly respect allowTransparency property on certain iframes, and will force white or black background across the entire element. It is unclear what’s causing the issue — so far, it seems to appear randomly.
This marker is Chrome Shitiness Mitigation mechanism for Ultrawidify. It turns out that as of 2025-01, Chrome does not correctly respect allowTransparency property on certain iframes, and will force white or black background across the entire element. It is unclear what’s causing the issue — so far, it seems to appear randomly.
This marker is Chrome Shitiness Mitigation mechanism for Ultrawidify. It turns out that as of 2025-01, Chrome does not correctly respect allowTransparency property on certain iframes, and will force white or black background across the entire element. It is unclear what’s causing the issue — so far, it seems to appear randomly.
This marker is Chrome Shitiness Mitigation mechanism for Ultrawidify. It turns out that as of 2025-01, Chrome does not correctly respect allowTransparency property on certain iframes, and will force white or black background across the entire element. It is unclear what’s causing the issue — so far, it seems to appear randomly.
This marker is Chrome Shitiness Mitigation mechanism for Ultrawidify. It turns out that as of 2025-01, Chrome does not correctly respect allowTransparency property on certain iframes, and will force white or black background across the entire element. It is unclear what’s causing the issue — so far, it seems to appear randomly.
This marker is Chrome Shitiness Mitigation mechanism for Ultrawidify. It turns out that as of 2025-01, Chrome does not correctly respect allowTransparency property on certain iframes, and will force white or black background across the entire element. It is unclear what’s causing the issue — so far, it seems to appear randomly.
This marker is Chrome Shitiness Mitigation mechanism for Ultrawidify. It turns out that as of 2025-01, Chrome does not correctly respect allowTransparency property on certain iframes, and will force white or black background across the entire element. It is unclear what’s causing the issue — so far, it seems to appear randomly.

Porovnať na Heureke

Popis grafickej karty

HP QUADRO NVIDIA RTX A4000 16GB GDDR6 4DP (20X24AA): Profesionálny výkon novej generácie

Grafická karta HP QUADRO NVIDIA RTX A4000 16GB GDDR6 s výkonom založeným na architektúre NVIDIA Ampere prináša revolučný výkon pre profesionálne aplikácie. S 6144 jadrami CUDA, 192 jadrami Tensor tretej generácie a 48 RT jadrami druhej generácie je táto karta navrhnutá pre dizajnérov, inžinierov a kreatívnych profesionálov, ktorí požadujú špičkový výkon a spoľahlivosť.

Aktuálna cena


Revolučná technológia pre raytracing a AI

RTX A4000 využíva najmodernejšie technológie hardvérovo akcelerovaného raytracingu a umelej inteligencie, čo umožňuje dramaticky zvýšiť produktivitu a efektivitu. Nové RT jadrá a Tensor jadrá poskytujú realistické osvetlenie v reálnom čase a optimalizované pracovné postupy s využitím umelej inteligencie. Táto kombinácia umožňuje plynulé spracovanie grafiky aj pri najnáročnejších projektoch.

Maximalizujte produktivitu a efektivitu

  • Výpočtový výkon FP32: Dvojnásobná rýchlosť spracovania jednotkových operácií.
  • Pamäť GDDR6 ECC: 16 GB pamäte s korekciou chýb pre maximálnu spoľahlivosť.
  • Podpora viacerých monitorov: Štyri DisplayPorty umožňujú pripojenie viacerých 8K zobrazovacích zariadení.

Špičkové nástroje a možnosti správy

Vylepšite svoju pracovnú plochu pomocou nástrojov NVIDIA Quadro Experience a Quadro View. Získate prístup k intuitívnym funkciám na správu zobrazenia, nahrávanie v 4K, automatické upozornenia na aktualizácie ovládačov a mnoho ďalších funkcií. Tieto nástroje umožňujú efektívnu správu pracovného prostredia pre maximálnu produktivitu.

Výnimočné možnosti pre virtuálnu realitu (VR) a kódovanie videa

  • VR a AR: Pohlcujúce zážitky vo virtuálnej a rozšírenej realite s podporou ultravysokého rozlíšenia.
  • Kódovanie a dekódovanie videa: Vyhradené mechanizmy umožňujú spracovanie viacerých video streamov naraz.

Technické špecifikácie

  • Čip: NVIDIA Quadro RTX A4000
  • Pamäť: 16 GB GDDR6 ECC
  • Jadrá CUDA: 6144
  • Napájanie: 6-pinový konektor, spotreba 140 W
  • Výstupy: 4x DisplayPort
  • Podporované API: OpenGL 4.5, DirectX 12, Vulkan 1.0
  • Rozmery: 241,3 x 112 mm, hmotnosť 500 g

Prečo si vybrať HP QUADRO NVIDIA RTX A4000 16GB GDDR6?

HP QUADRO NVIDIA RTX A4000 16GB GDDR6 4DP je ideálna voľba pre profesionálov, ktorí potrebujú spoľahlivosť a vysoký výkon. Táto karta zvládne náročné projekty, či už ide o počítačom podporovaný dizajn (CAD), inžinierstvo (CAE) alebo tvorbu obsahu. Uvoľnite svoju kreativitu a dosiahnite viac s touto špičkovou grafickou kartou.

This marker is Chrome Shitiness Mitigation mechanism for Ultrawidify. It turns out that as of 2025-01, Chrome does not correctly respect allowTransparency property on certain iframes, and will force white or black background across the entire element. It is unclear what’s causing the issue — so far, it seems to appear randomly.
This marker is Chrome Shitiness Mitigation mechanism for Ultrawidify. It turns out that as of 2025-01, Chrome does not correctly respect allowTransparency property on certain iframes, and will force white or black background across the entire element. It is unclear what’s causing the issue — so far, it seems to appear randomly.
This marker is Chrome Shitiness Mitigation mechanism for Ultrawidify. It turns out that as of 2025-01, Chrome does not correctly respect allowTransparency property on certain iframes, and will force white or black background across the entire element. It is unclear what’s causing the issue — so far, it seems to appear randomly.
This marker is Chrome Shitiness Mitigation mechanism for Ultrawidify. It turns out that as of 2025-01, Chrome does not correctly respect allowTransparency property on certain iframes, and will force white or black background across the entire element. It is unclear what’s causing the issue — so far, it seems to appear randomly.
This marker is Chrome Shitiness Mitigation mechanism for Ultrawidify. It turns out that as of 2025-01, Chrome does not correctly respect allowTransparency property on certain iframes, and will force white or black background across the entire element. It is unclear what’s causing the issue — so far, it seems to appear randomly.
This marker is Chrome Shitiness Mitigation mechanism for Ultrawidify. It turns out that as of 2025-01, Chrome does not correctly respect allowTransparency property on certain iframes, and will force white or black background across the entire element. It is unclear what’s causing the issue — so far, it seems to appear randomly.
This marker is Chrome Shitiness Mitigation mechanism for Ultrawidify. It turns out that as of 2025-01, Chrome does not correctly respect allowTransparency property on certain iframes, and will force white or black background across the entire element. It is unclear what’s causing the issue — so far, it seems to appear randomly.
This marker is Chrome Shitiness Mitigation mechanism for Ultrawidify. It turns out that as of 2025-01, Chrome does not correctly respect allowTransparency property on certain iframes, and will force white or black background across the entire element. It is unclear what’s causing the issue — so far, it seems to appear randomly.


Výrobca čipu




Modelová rada

Quadro Series



Účel použitia

3D grafika, CAD, Rendering

Cenová kategória

High end GPU



Veľkosť pamäte


Typ pamäte


Šírka pamäťovej zbernice


CUDA jednotky


PCIe verzia

PCI-E 4.0

Napájacie konektory

6 pin*1


241.3 x 112 x None





Výstupné porty

4x DisplayPort


DirectX 12.0, OpenGL 4.5, Shader Model 5.1, Vulkan 1.0

RGB osvetlenie


Kód výrobcu
