Sapphire PULSE AMD Radeon RX 6400

SAPPHIRE PULSE AMD Radeon™ RX 6400 ponúka 1080P herný výkon s AMD RDNA™ 2 architektúrou, chladením Axial Fan, 4 GB GDDR6 pamäťou a Infinity Cache. Kompaktný dizajn a nízka spotreba energie robia z tejto karty ideálnu voľbu pre menšie herné zostavy.

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SAPPHIRE PULSE AMD Radeon™ RX 6400 – Ideálny partner pre 1080P hranie

Objavte výkon, ktorý ovláda vaše hry, s grafickou kartou SAPPHIRE PULSE AMD Radeon™ RX 6400. Táto karta ponúka výnimočný výkon v kompaktnom jednom slote, ideálnom pre hráčov a kreatívnych nadšencov, ktorí hľadajú vysokú účinnosť a spoľahlivosť. S technológiami AMD RDNA™ 2, FidelityFX a Radeon Super Resolution prináša realistický obraz a plynulý herný zážitok v 1080P rozlíšení.

Kľúčové vlastnosti

  • Architektúra AMD RDNA™ 2: Navrhnutá pre dokonalý herný zážitok, ponúka podporu DirectX 12 Ultimate a optimalizácie herných ovládačov.
  • Chladenie Axial Fan: Efektívne odvádza teplo pomocou ventilátora s dvojitým guľôčkovým ložiskom pre tichý chod a dlhšiu životnosť.
  • Fuse Protection: Zabudovaná ochrana na obvodoch PCI-E konektora zaisťuje bezpečnosť a spoľahlivosť komponentov.
  • Pamäť: 4 GB GDDR6 s efektívnou rýchlosťou 16 Gbps poskytuje dostatok výkonu pre moderné hry.
  • Infinity Cache: 16 MB vyrovnávacej pamäte zvyšuje šírku pásma a zrýchľuje spracovanie dát.

Špecifikácie, ktoré vyniknú

  • Frekvencia jadra: Boost Clock až 2321 MHz, Game Clock až 2039 MHz
  • Stream procesory: 768
  • Výstupy: 1x HDMI, 1x DisplayPort
  • Rozmery: 170 mm (D) x 56,2 mm (Š) x 17,2 mm (V)
  • Spotreba energie: 55 W (odporúčaný zdroj 350 W)

Maximálny zážitok s technológiami AMD

Karta SAPPHIRE PULSE AMD Radeon™ RX 6400 je vybavená funkciami, ako je AMD Radeon Anti-Lag pre zníženie odozvy a Radeon Image Sharpening pre ostrejší obraz. Podpora AMD FidelityFX umožňuje realistickejšie detaily a optimalizáciu svetelných efektov.

Softvér a kompatibilita

Pomocou SAPPHIRE TriXX softvéru môžete získať vyšší výkon a prispôsobiť si nastavenia podľa vašich potrieb. Karta podporuje systémy Windows 10, Windows 11 a Linux, čím zabezpečuje flexibilitu pre každého používateľa.

Prečo si vybrať SAPPHIRE PULSE AMD Radeon™ RX 6400?

Táto grafická karta ponúka ideálnu kombináciu výkonu, efektívneho chladenia a inovatívnych funkcií pre herné aj každodenné využitie. S kompaktnými rozmermi je vhodná pre menšie zostavy, pričom stále poskytuje dostatočný výkon pre 1080P hranie. Vyberte si SAPPHIRE PULSE AMD Radeon™ RX 6400 a ovládnite každú hru!

This marker is Chrome Shitiness Mitigation mechanism for Ultrawidify. It turns out that as of 2025-01, Chrome does not correctly respect allowTransparency property on certain iframes, and will force white or black background across the entire element. It is unclear what’s causing the issue — so far, it seems to appear randomly.
This marker is Chrome Shitiness Mitigation mechanism for Ultrawidify. It turns out that as of 2025-01, Chrome does not correctly respect allowTransparency property on certain iframes, and will force white or black background across the entire element. It is unclear what’s causing the issue — so far, it seems to appear randomly.
This marker is Chrome Shitiness Mitigation mechanism for Ultrawidify. It turns out that as of 2025-01, Chrome does not correctly respect allowTransparency property on certain iframes, and will force white or black background across the entire element. It is unclear what’s causing the issue — so far, it seems to appear randomly.
This marker is Chrome Shitiness Mitigation mechanism for Ultrawidify. It turns out that as of 2025-01, Chrome does not correctly respect allowTransparency property on certain iframes, and will force white or black background across the entire element. It is unclear what’s causing the issue — so far, it seems to appear randomly.
This marker is Chrome Shitiness Mitigation mechanism for Ultrawidify. It turns out that as of 2025-01, Chrome does not correctly respect allowTransparency property on certain iframes, and will force white or black background across the entire element. It is unclear what’s causing the issue — so far, it seems to appear randomly.
This marker is Chrome Shitiness Mitigation mechanism for Ultrawidify. It turns out that as of 2025-01, Chrome does not correctly respect allowTransparency property on certain iframes, and will force white or black background across the entire element. It is unclear what’s causing the issue — so far, it seems to appear randomly.
This marker is Chrome Shitiness Mitigation mechanism for Ultrawidify. It turns out that as of 2025-01, Chrome does not correctly respect allowTransparency property on certain iframes, and will force white or black background across the entire element. It is unclear what’s causing the issue — so far, it seems to appear randomly.
This marker is Chrome Shitiness Mitigation mechanism for Ultrawidify. It turns out that as of 2025-01, Chrome does not correctly respect allowTransparency property on certain iframes, and will force white or black background across the entire element. It is unclear what’s causing the issue — so far, it seems to appear randomly.

This marker is Chrome Shitiness Mitigation mechanism for Ultrawidify. It turns out that as of 2025-01, Chrome does not correctly respect allowTransparency property on certain iframes, and will force white or black background across the entire element. It is unclear what’s causing the issue — so far, it seems to appear randomly.
This marker is Chrome Shitiness Mitigation mechanism for Ultrawidify. It turns out that as of 2025-01, Chrome does not correctly respect allowTransparency property on certain iframes, and will force white or black background across the entire element. It is unclear what’s causing the issue — so far, it seems to appear randomly.
This marker is Chrome Shitiness Mitigation mechanism for Ultrawidify. It turns out that as of 2025-01, Chrome does not correctly respect allowTransparency property on certain iframes, and will force white or black background across the entire element. It is unclear what’s causing the issue — so far, it seems to appear randomly.
This marker is Chrome Shitiness Mitigation mechanism for Ultrawidify. It turns out that as of 2025-01, Chrome does not correctly respect allowTransparency property on certain iframes, and will force white or black background across the entire element. It is unclear what’s causing the issue — so far, it seems to appear randomly.
This marker is Chrome Shitiness Mitigation mechanism for Ultrawidify. It turns out that as of 2025-01, Chrome does not correctly respect allowTransparency property on certain iframes, and will force white or black background across the entire element. It is unclear what’s causing the issue — so far, it seems to appear randomly.
This marker is Chrome Shitiness Mitigation mechanism for Ultrawidify. It turns out that as of 2025-01, Chrome does not correctly respect allowTransparency property on certain iframes, and will force white or black background across the entire element. It is unclear what’s causing the issue — so far, it seems to appear randomly.
This marker is Chrome Shitiness Mitigation mechanism for Ultrawidify. It turns out that as of 2025-01, Chrome does not correctly respect allowTransparency property on certain iframes, and will force white or black background across the entire element. It is unclear what’s causing the issue — so far, it seems to appear randomly.
This marker is Chrome Shitiness Mitigation mechanism for Ultrawidify. It turns out that as of 2025-01, Chrome does not correctly respect allowTransparency property on certain iframes, and will force white or black background across the entire element. It is unclear what’s causing the issue — so far, it seems to appear randomly.


Výrobca čipu



AMD Radeon RX 6400

Modelová rada

Radeon RX 6000 Series



Účel použitia

Gaming, Multimédia

Cenová kategória

Entry level GPU



Počet ventilátorov


Veľkosť pamäte


Typ pamäte


Základná frekvencia

2039 MHz

Boost frekvencia

2321 MHz

Frekvencia VRAM

16 Gbps

Šírka pamäťovej zbernice


Maximálne rozlíšenie


PCIe verzia

PCI-E 4.0


170 x 56.2 x 17.2mm





Výstupné porty

1x HDMI, 1x DisplayPort 1.4


AMD RDNA 2, AMD Smart Access Memory, DirectX 12 Ultimate, FidelityFX, FreeSync, Infinity Cache, Radeon Anti-Lag, Radeon Image Sharpening

Podpora VR


Podpora SLI/CrossFire


RGB osvetlenie


Odporúčaný PSU