ASROCK Radeon RX 6600 Challenger D

ASRock AMD Radeon™ RX 6600 XT ponúka výnimočný výkon pre 1080p hranie s RDNA™ 2 architektúrou, 8 GB GDDR6 pamäťou, pokročilým chladením a podporou technológií ako AMD FidelityFX a DirectX® Raytracing.

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ASRock AMD Radeon™ RX 6600 XT – Výkon pre dokonalé 1080p hranie

Zažite nekompromisný výkon a realistické vizuály s grafickou kartou ASRock AMD Radeon™ RX 6600 XT. Táto karta je navrhnutá na 1080p hranie, pričom prináša ultra-vysoké snímkové frekvencie a podporu pre najnovšie herné technológie. S architektúrou AMD RDNA™ 2, technológiou AMD FidelityFX a podporou DirectX® 12 Ultimate ponúka pohlcujúci zážitok z hrania novej generácie.

Kľúčové vlastnosti

  • AMD RDNA™ 2 architektúra: Základ pre budúcu generáciu herných PC a konzol s optimalizáciou vizuálnych efektov a herného zážitku.
  • Výkonné chladenie: Dvojitý ventilátor s dizajnom Striped Axial Fan zvyšuje prúdenie vzduchu a efektívne chladí. Ventilátory sa zastavia pri nízkych teplotách pre úplné ticho.
  • 8 GB GDDR6 pamäť: Ponúka vysokú šírku pásma pre moderné hry s vysokým rozlíšením.
  • Podpora pre DirectX® Raytracing: Realistické svetelné efekty, tiene a odrazy pre pohlcujúci herný zážitok.
  • AMD Smart Access Memory: Zvýšenie výkonu v kombinácii s procesormi AMD Ryzen™ 5000 alebo vybranými AMD Ryzen™ 3000.

Efektívny dizajn a inovatívne technológie

ASRock AMD Radeon™ RX 6600 XT prichádza s prémiovým kovovým backplatom, ktorý nielen zabraňuje ohýbaniu PCB, ale aj zlepšuje chladenie vďaka tepelným podložkám. Ultra-fit heatpipe a medený základ maximalizujú kontakt s GPU pre efektívny odvod tepla, pričom nano tepelná pasta eliminuje medzery v kontaktných plochách.

Vysoká spoľahlivosť a kompatibilita

  • Napájacie riešenie Dr. MOS: Poskytuje až 50 A kontinuálneho prúdu na fázu pre stabilnú prevádzku.
  • High-Density Glass Fabric PCB: Minimalizuje riziko elektrických skratiek spôsobených vlhkosťou.
  • Podpora 8K rozlíšenia: Pripravené na budúcnosť s výstupom videa novej generácie.
  • PCI® Express 4.0: Dvojnásobná priepustnosť v porovnaní s PCI® Express 3.0 pre maximálny herný výkon.

Softvér a herné funkcie

Karta podporuje softvér ASRock Tweak 2.0, ktorý umožňuje jednoduché ladenie výkonu a inteligentné riadenie rýchlosti ventilátorov. S AMD FidelityFX Super Resolution získate pri podporovaných hrách priemerné zvýšenie snímkových frekvencií až 2,4-násobne, pričom si môžete vybrať medzi vizuálnou kvalitou a maximálnym výkonom.

Prečo si vybrať ASRock AMD Radeon™ RX 6600 XT?

S touto grafickou kartou získate plynulé hranie v 1080p, realistické vizuály a podporu pre najnovšie technológie. ASRock AMD Radeon™ RX 6600 XT je dokonalou voľbou pre hráčov, ktorí hľadajú vysoký výkon, štýlový dizajn a inovatívne funkcie pre dokonalý herný zážitok.

This marker is Chrome Shitiness Mitigation mechanism for Ultrawidify. It turns out that as of 2025-01, Chrome does not correctly respect allowTransparency property on certain iframes, and will force white or black background across the entire element. It is unclear what’s causing the issue — so far, it seems to appear randomly.
This marker is Chrome Shitiness Mitigation mechanism for Ultrawidify. It turns out that as of 2025-01, Chrome does not correctly respect allowTransparency property on certain iframes, and will force white or black background across the entire element. It is unclear what’s causing the issue — so far, it seems to appear randomly.
This marker is Chrome Shitiness Mitigation mechanism for Ultrawidify. It turns out that as of 2025-01, Chrome does not correctly respect allowTransparency property on certain iframes, and will force white or black background across the entire element. It is unclear what’s causing the issue — so far, it seems to appear randomly.
This marker is Chrome Shitiness Mitigation mechanism for Ultrawidify. It turns out that as of 2025-01, Chrome does not correctly respect allowTransparency property on certain iframes, and will force white or black background across the entire element. It is unclear what’s causing the issue — so far, it seems to appear randomly.
This marker is Chrome Shitiness Mitigation mechanism for Ultrawidify. It turns out that as of 2025-01, Chrome does not correctly respect allowTransparency property on certain iframes, and will force white or black background across the entire element. It is unclear what’s causing the issue — so far, it seems to appear randomly.
This marker is Chrome Shitiness Mitigation mechanism for Ultrawidify. It turns out that as of 2025-01, Chrome does not correctly respect allowTransparency property on certain iframes, and will force white or black background across the entire element. It is unclear what’s causing the issue — so far, it seems to appear randomly.
This marker is Chrome Shitiness Mitigation mechanism for Ultrawidify. It turns out that as of 2025-01, Chrome does not correctly respect allowTransparency property on certain iframes, and will force white or black background across the entire element. It is unclear what’s causing the issue — so far, it seems to appear randomly.
This marker is Chrome Shitiness Mitigation mechanism for Ultrawidify. It turns out that as of 2025-01, Chrome does not correctly respect allowTransparency property on certain iframes, and will force white or black background across the entire element. It is unclear what’s causing the issue — so far, it seems to appear randomly.

This marker is Chrome Shitiness Mitigation mechanism for Ultrawidify. It turns out that as of 2025-01, Chrome does not correctly respect allowTransparency property on certain iframes, and will force white or black background across the entire element. It is unclear what’s causing the issue — so far, it seems to appear randomly.
This marker is Chrome Shitiness Mitigation mechanism for Ultrawidify. It turns out that as of 2025-01, Chrome does not correctly respect allowTransparency property on certain iframes, and will force white or black background across the entire element. It is unclear what’s causing the issue — so far, it seems to appear randomly.
This marker is Chrome Shitiness Mitigation mechanism for Ultrawidify. It turns out that as of 2025-01, Chrome does not correctly respect allowTransparency property on certain iframes, and will force white or black background across the entire element. It is unclear what’s causing the issue — so far, it seems to appear randomly.
This marker is Chrome Shitiness Mitigation mechanism for Ultrawidify. It turns out that as of 2025-01, Chrome does not correctly respect allowTransparency property on certain iframes, and will force white or black background across the entire element. It is unclear what’s causing the issue — so far, it seems to appear randomly.
This marker is Chrome Shitiness Mitigation mechanism for Ultrawidify. It turns out that as of 2025-01, Chrome does not correctly respect allowTransparency property on certain iframes, and will force white or black background across the entire element. It is unclear what’s causing the issue — so far, it seems to appear randomly.
This marker is Chrome Shitiness Mitigation mechanism for Ultrawidify. It turns out that as of 2025-01, Chrome does not correctly respect allowTransparency property on certain iframes, and will force white or black background across the entire element. It is unclear what’s causing the issue — so far, it seems to appear randomly.
This marker is Chrome Shitiness Mitigation mechanism for Ultrawidify. It turns out that as of 2025-01, Chrome does not correctly respect allowTransparency property on certain iframes, and will force white or black background across the entire element. It is unclear what’s causing the issue — so far, it seems to appear randomly.
This marker is Chrome Shitiness Mitigation mechanism for Ultrawidify. It turns out that as of 2025-01, Chrome does not correctly respect allowTransparency property on certain iframes, and will force white or black background across the entire element. It is unclear what’s causing the issue — so far, it seems to appear randomly.


Výrobca čipu



AMD Radeon RX 6600

Modelová rada

Radeon RX 6000 Series



Účel použitia

Gaming, Multimédia

Cenová kategória

Mid range GPU



Počet ventilátorov


Veľkosť pamäte


Typ pamäte


Základná frekvencia

1626 MHz

Boost frekvencia

2491 MHz

Frekvencia VRAM

14 Gbps

Šírka pamäťovej zbernice


Maximálne rozlíšenie


PCIe verzia

PCI-E 4.0 x8

Napájacie konektory

8 pin*1


269 x 132 x 41mm



Výstupné porty

1x HDMI 2.1 VRR, 3x DisplayPort 1.4 with DSC


AMD RDNA 2, DirectX 12 Ultimate, FidelityFX, FreeSync, Radeon Anti-Lag

Podpora VR


Podpora SLI/CrossFire


RGB osvetlenie


Odporúčaný PSU