ASROCK Intel Arc A380 Low Profile 6GB

ASROCK Intel Arc A380 Low Profile 6GB: Kompaktná grafická karta s 6 GB GDDR6 pamäťou, tichým 0dB chladením a podporou 8K rozlíšenia. Ideálna pre slim počítače a všestranné použitie.

This marker is Chrome Shitiness Mitigation mechanism for Ultrawidify. It turns out that as of 2025-01, Chrome does not correctly respect allowTransparency property on certain iframes, and will force white or black background across the entire element. It is unclear what’s causing the issue — so far, it seems to appear randomly.
This marker is Chrome Shitiness Mitigation mechanism for Ultrawidify. It turns out that as of 2025-01, Chrome does not correctly respect allowTransparency property on certain iframes, and will force white or black background across the entire element. It is unclear what’s causing the issue — so far, it seems to appear randomly.
This marker is Chrome Shitiness Mitigation mechanism for Ultrawidify. It turns out that as of 2025-01, Chrome does not correctly respect allowTransparency property on certain iframes, and will force white or black background across the entire element. It is unclear what’s causing the issue — so far, it seems to appear randomly.
This marker is Chrome Shitiness Mitigation mechanism for Ultrawidify. It turns out that as of 2025-01, Chrome does not correctly respect allowTransparency property on certain iframes, and will force white or black background across the entire element. It is unclear what’s causing the issue — so far, it seems to appear randomly.
This marker is Chrome Shitiness Mitigation mechanism for Ultrawidify. It turns out that as of 2025-01, Chrome does not correctly respect allowTransparency property on certain iframes, and will force white or black background across the entire element. It is unclear what’s causing the issue — so far, it seems to appear randomly.
This marker is Chrome Shitiness Mitigation mechanism for Ultrawidify. It turns out that as of 2025-01, Chrome does not correctly respect allowTransparency property on certain iframes, and will force white or black background across the entire element. It is unclear what’s causing the issue — so far, it seems to appear randomly.
This marker is Chrome Shitiness Mitigation mechanism for Ultrawidify. It turns out that as of 2025-01, Chrome does not correctly respect allowTransparency property on certain iframes, and will force white or black background across the entire element. It is unclear what’s causing the issue — so far, it seems to appear randomly.
This marker is Chrome Shitiness Mitigation mechanism for Ultrawidify. It turns out that as of 2025-01, Chrome does not correctly respect allowTransparency property on certain iframes, and will force white or black background across the entire element. It is unclear what’s causing the issue — so far, it seems to appear randomly.

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Popis grafickej karty

ASROCK Intel Arc A380 Low Profile 6GB: Kompaktná grafická karta s vysokým výkonom

Predstavujeme ASROCK Intel Arc A380 Low Profile 6GB, grafickú kartu s nízkoprofilovým dizajnom, ktorá kombinuje moderné technológie a špičkový výkon. Vďaka svojim rozmerom 169 x 69 x 39 mm je ideálna pre slim alebo malé formáty počítačových skríň. Táto karta ponúka pokročilé grafické funkcie a efektívne chladenie, čím je vhodná pre hráčov aj kreatívnych profesionálov.

Aktuálna cena


Kľúčové vlastnosti

Inovatívny dizajn a efektívne chladenie

Grafická karta má nízkoprofilový dizajn, ktorý sa hodí do kompaktných systémov. Duálne ventilátory sa aktivujú iba pri vyšších teplotách, čím poskytujú optimálne chladenie pri zachovaní úplného ticha pri nižšej záťaži. Technológia Nano Thermal Paste eliminuje medzery v kontaktných plochách pre maximálny prenos tepla.

Špičkové komponenty

  • Dr. MOS: Integrovaný power stage pre optimálne napájanie GPU, schopný zvládnuť až 50A na fázu.
  • Premium 100A Power Choke: Vylepšené napájanie Vcore pre stabilný a spoľahlivý výkon.
  • Matte Black PCB: Moderný dizajn s vysokou hustotou sklených vlákien pre ochranu pred elektrickými skratmi spôsobenými vlhkosťou.

Podpora pokročilých technológií

ASROCK Intel Arc A380 podporuje DirectX 12 Ultimate, čo prináša realistické grafické zážitky vďaka ray tracingu, mesh shadingu a ďalším technológiám novej generácie. Intel Xe Super Sampling (XeSS) umožňuje zvýšenie výkonu a plynulosti v hrách pomocou AI-enhanced upscalingu. S podporou AV1 hardvérového enkódovania a technológie Intel Deep Link je táto karta ideálna pre tvorcov obsahu aj hráčov.

Technické špecifikácie

  • Grafický čip: Intel® Arc™ A380
  • GPU Clock: 2000 MHz
  • Pamäť: 6 GB GDDR6, 96-bit
  • Rýchlosť pamäte: 15.5 Gbps
  • Výstupy: 1x DisplayPort™ 2.0, 1x HDMI™ 2.0b
  • Rozmery: 169 x 69 x 39 mm
  • Chladenie: Duálne ventilátory, 0dB Silent Cooling

Prečo si vybrať ASROCK Intel Arc A380 Low Profile 6GB?

Táto grafická karta kombinuje kompaktný dizajn, nízku hlučnosť a podporu pokročilých technológií. Či už chcete zvýšiť produktivitu, vytvárať obsah, alebo si užívať plynulé hranie hier, ASROCK Intel Arc A380 Low Profile 6GB je ideálnym riešením pre vaše potreby.

This marker is Chrome Shitiness Mitigation mechanism for Ultrawidify. It turns out that as of 2025-01, Chrome does not correctly respect allowTransparency property on certain iframes, and will force white or black background across the entire element. It is unclear what’s causing the issue — so far, it seems to appear randomly.
This marker is Chrome Shitiness Mitigation mechanism for Ultrawidify. It turns out that as of 2025-01, Chrome does not correctly respect allowTransparency property on certain iframes, and will force white or black background across the entire element. It is unclear what’s causing the issue — so far, it seems to appear randomly.
This marker is Chrome Shitiness Mitigation mechanism for Ultrawidify. It turns out that as of 2025-01, Chrome does not correctly respect allowTransparency property on certain iframes, and will force white or black background across the entire element. It is unclear what’s causing the issue — so far, it seems to appear randomly.
This marker is Chrome Shitiness Mitigation mechanism for Ultrawidify. It turns out that as of 2025-01, Chrome does not correctly respect allowTransparency property on certain iframes, and will force white or black background across the entire element. It is unclear what’s causing the issue — so far, it seems to appear randomly.
This marker is Chrome Shitiness Mitigation mechanism for Ultrawidify. It turns out that as of 2025-01, Chrome does not correctly respect allowTransparency property on certain iframes, and will force white or black background across the entire element. It is unclear what’s causing the issue — so far, it seems to appear randomly.
This marker is Chrome Shitiness Mitigation mechanism for Ultrawidify. It turns out that as of 2025-01, Chrome does not correctly respect allowTransparency property on certain iframes, and will force white or black background across the entire element. It is unclear what’s causing the issue — so far, it seems to appear randomly.
This marker is Chrome Shitiness Mitigation mechanism for Ultrawidify. It turns out that as of 2025-01, Chrome does not correctly respect allowTransparency property on certain iframes, and will force white or black background across the entire element. It is unclear what’s causing the issue — so far, it seems to appear randomly.
This marker is Chrome Shitiness Mitigation mechanism for Ultrawidify. It turns out that as of 2025-01, Chrome does not correctly respect allowTransparency property on certain iframes, and will force white or black background across the entire element. It is unclear what’s causing the issue — so far, it seems to appear randomly.


Výrobca čipu




Modelová rada

Arc A300 Series



Účel použitia

Gaming, Multimédia

Cenová kategória

Entry level GPU



Počet ventilátorov


Veľkosť pamäte


Typ pamäte


Základná frekvencia

2000 MHz

Frekvencia VRAM

15.5 Gbps

Šírka pamäťovej zbernice


Maximálne rozlíšenie


PCIe verzia

PCI-E 4.0


169 x 69 x 39mm



Výstupné porty

1x DisplayPort 2.0 with DSC, 1x HDMI 2.0b


DirectX 12 Ultimate, Intel XMX Engines, OpenGL 4.6

Podpora SLI/CrossFire


RGB osvetlenie


Kód výrobcu

A380 LP 6G

Odporúčaný PSU